NSH GER Gas engine oil regeneration System is particularly suitable to regenerate internal-combustion engine oil including diesel engine oil, gasoline engine oil and internal-combustion engine oils. GER series can effectively remove colloid, oxid, acid, pitch, particles, impurities, water, gas in the oil. Specially, GER can restore the color of used internal-combustion engine oil and remove the scent rapidly.
oil purifier/oil purification/oil filtration/oil filter/oil treatment/oil recycling/oil regeneration/oil filtering/oil reclaim plant/oil recovery/waste managment/oil disposal/oil reclamation/oil restoration/reconditioned/oil recostituted/oil restituring/oil recuperation/oil resuming/oil recuperation/oil extraction/oil separation/oil dehydration/oil reconditioned/oil reprocessing
E-mail: sinonsh6@163.com , sinonsh6@hotmail.com
Please search "sinonsh6" or "sinonsh66" for more detailes about oil purifier plants